Product Details
- This Sterling Silver bead is perfect for custom jewelry making.
- It is made of sterling silver and cubic zirconia. Its size is 5x7.8mm, ideal for adding texture and luxury looking to your gemstone bracelet.
- material: sterling silver
- paved with clear Cubic Zirconia stones
- platinum color plating over silver
- size: 5x7.8mm
- hole size: 4mm
- 這款純銀珠子由純銀和鋯石製成。它的尺寸為 5x7.8 毫米,非常適合為您的水晶手鍊增添質感。
- 物料:純銀
- 圍邊鑲鋯石
- 純銀電鍍白金
- 尺寸:5x7.8mm
- 內孔尺寸:4mm